How the Mona Lisa Lost Her Eyebrows
November 16, 2009 by All Art News
Filed under Education & Research

Pascal Cotte said Leonardo built the painting up in layers, the last being a special glaze whose optical properties increased the illusion of a three-dimensional face. Above the glaze Leonardo painted details such as the eyebrows. Cotte said: “That could explain why the eyebrows have disappeared – they have faded because of chemical reactions or they have been cleaned off.” He has uncovered a host of secrets about the Mona Lisa using a 240 megapixel camera. It can measure light [...]
Art History, Styles & Movements of Western Art
November 5, 2009 by All Art News
Filed under Education & Research
Art is always and everywhere the secret confession, and at the same time the immortal movement of its time – Karl Marx Since ancient age to modern art we have come across multiple art styles & movements. Most of them were new creation or transformation of one or other styles. Efforts by individual, group or brotherhood and schools lined up multiple art style in art history. This is my attempt to bring to light foremost & known art styles, movements [...]
Buying Art: Passion or Investment?
October 30, 2009 by All Art News
Filed under Education & Research
Since the dawn of time —once man felt secure and well fed— he has spent his time and financial resources on art. So it’s not surprising, therefore, that in the modern era, where we are all immensely well fed and there is a growing disposable income among the middle classes in the Western world, that there should be a terrific increase in interest in art and art collecting. Indeed, there are now a number of investment funds dedicated to art. [...]