Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery given permission to use photos of Staffordshire Hoard to keep it in region
November 10, 2009 by All Art News
Filed under Museums & Galleries
Official photographs and video clips of the greatest ever Anglo-Saxon archeological find can be exploited to boost the campaign to keep it in the West Midlands. The British Museum, which is currently valuing the Staffordshire Hoard, has given Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery permission to sell official images of the treasure, as long as the cash goes into the fund to buy it and keep it on show in the region. It is believed the pictures are of interest to [...]
An uncommon ‘Woman’ at the Portland Art Museum
November 2, 2009 by All Art News
Filed under Museums & Galleries

In a brown-curtained, dimly lit room at the Portland Art Museum, mystery is on view: “The Woman with The Veil,” Raphael’s 1516 painting of a young woman who might have been his lover. Welcomed with modest pomp and circumstance, this painting of a perfect-skinned young woman dressed in silk and veil is the museum’s latest show and a rare event: the single-painting show. But expectations for “Woman” are the same as they would be for a show of 50 paintings, [...]