A New Installation by Carsten Nicolai at Siobhan Davies Studios
March 21, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews

LONDON.- This spring the renowned multi-disciplinary artist Carsten Nicolai has created a site specific light installation for Siobhan Davies Studios in South London . Made from neon tubes and mounted on the façade of the building, monitor serves as a link between the space within the building and the outside world. As Carsten Nicolai says: “Siobhan Davies Studios are interesting in that if you walk past the building, you have no idea what is happening inside. I thought this would [...]
Faux Photography: 43 Stunning Super-Realistic Works of Art
March 19, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Amazingly, none of these beautiful pieces of art are photographs. They were all made with various methods, but all of them are part of the photorealism genre. The movement got its start in the US in the 1960s and 1970s, but since then, it’s taken on new forms. Some artists prefer to work in paints, some with computer graphics, and some use materials that are a little more unusual. Whatever media they use, these 10 artists elevate photorealism to new [...]
Sodom & Gomorrah: Dark Digital Art by Alessandro Bavari
March 19, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Dark, strange and rife with symbolism: the Sodom and Gomorrah series by Italian artist Alessandro Bavari is a lot to take in. Bavari, a classically trained artist who has sought to combine painting and photography for many years, created the series exclusively in Adobe Photoshop, considering computers to be “like a brush, palette or darkroom”. Inspired by Italian and Flemish art of the Renaissance era, the Sodom and Gomorrah series evokes the frightening religious imagery of Hieronymus Bosch. Bavari pairs [...]
30 Amazing Semi-Photorealistic 3D Cartoon Characters
March 18, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Since the origin of 3D graphics, designers attempts to create photo-realistic imagery. Although achieving genuine-looking graphics is a difficult challenge, some artists manage to achieve extraordinary results. Photorealism opens up new ways for creativity and innovation. In this collection we bring you some of the inspiring semi-photorealistic 3D cartoon characters from various artists across the globe. You’ll find famous cartoon characters, movie stars, celebrities and original characters alike, so dig in and make sure to check out the artists’ portfolios [...]
Rajacenna, a young artist that creates realist drawings in pencil
March 12, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Rajacenna is a 17-year old from The Netherlands, is the youngest artist whose work is published in the American artbook “Amazing pencil portraits 2″. This book contains pencil portrait drawings of the most talented character artists in the world. The young left-handed, home schooled girl started six months ago with realistic portrait drawing, without any knowledge of the techniques. Now she draws on a daily basis and her own style and technique have developed rapidly. Many people are amazed about [...]
Food Art & Design: 39 Extraordinary Examples Of Edible Art
March 4, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Everybody knows you’re not supposed to play with your food but that doesn’t stop these artists from creating some rather extraordinary edible art. Far from the mountains you used to make with your mashed potatoes, these masterpieces could go on display in a museum. Mixing together a little food and a lot of talent is the perfect recipe for some mouth watering inspiration. Check out these 39 extraordinary examples of edible art to kick start your hunger. Sakurako Kitsa Tree [...]
Hold Your Horses: Name That Painting
March 4, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews

Starting out with a loose rendition of The Last Supper (in which Matisse seems to have painted a sky above Leonardo’s iconic fresco), French-American band Hold Your Horses takes viewers on a head trip through art history in their new video for the track “70 Million.” Janson’s this is not; instead we see members of the band playing instruments in reconstructed paintings from the operating table to the boudoir. Watch the video after the jump and then follow along on [...]
Unbelievably Hilarious Face Painting Art
March 3, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews

Remember going to birthday parties or the carnival as a child and getting your face painted? Face painting is fun and magical, and it lets us temporarily transform ourselves. You can be just about anything, from a fierce animal to a dainty fairy to a weird celebrity look-alike. Unfortunately, most of us stop getting our faces painting when we become adults. James Kuhn, however, picked up the habit as an adult – and ran with it. James Kuhn has considered [...]
Now Showing on Art in the Loop’s ARTwall: Forever People by Ascot J. Smith
March 2, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews

KANSAS CITY, MO.- Art in the Loop is pleased to announce the newest art commission for the ARTwall, Forever People by artist, Ascot J. Smith. The ARTwall is a custom designed billboard structure that exhibits super-sized contemporary art at 13th and Grand Streets in downtown Kansas City. Forever People by Ascot Smith is set in the year 2200. A nameless couple sends recorded messages into the past hoping to prevent a dystopian future. However, the two begin to use the [...]
Camera Hands: Beautifully Realistic Portraits
February 28, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Abstract art developed around the turn of the last century as cameras began to take painting and illustration’s place as the primary means of portraiture. But just because technology and the art world had moved beyond portraits doesn’t mean people stopped drawing realistic pictures of each other. The art of realistic portraits is alive and well today and is represented here with a selection of wonderful artists. Sketches (image via: Keturah Bobo) (image via: David Yoon) (image via: Keturah Bobo) [...]
Painted Alive: Boldly Brilliant Body Paintings
February 26, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Craig Tracy is dedicated to creating surreal moments in time. Without the use of digital manipulation or photographic tricks, he creates dazzling body painting compositions that have elevated this particular type of artistic expression into the realm of fine art. He recently opened a gallery in New Orleans: the first gallery in the world dedicated to fine art body painting images. Although he’s been an artist his whole life, it took Craig Tracy a number of years to truly find [...]
Gauguin’s Nevermore Wins Accolade of Most Romantic Artwork in Art Fund Poll
February 17, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews

LONDON.- Nevermore, which is on display at The Courtauld Gallery, was chosen by artist and broadcaster Matthew Collings, and was selected from a list of five works chosen by well known public figures. The other selected artworks were Titian’s “Bacchus and Ariadne”, selected by writer and broadcaster Andrew Graham-Dixon; Jan Van Eyck’s “The Arnolfini Portrait”, chosen by artist Grayson Perry; Nicolas Poussin’s “Rinaldo and Armida”, chosen by writer, critic and professor of literature at University of Essex, Marina Warner; and [...]
Strikingly realistic paintings by Alyssa Monks
February 15, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Monks’s work explores narrative figuration. Currently she is playing with the tension between abstraction and realism in the same work, using different filters to visually distort and disintegrate the body. Monks’s work explores narrative figuration. Currently she is playing with the tension between abstraction and realism in the same work, using different filters to visually distort and disintegrate the body. The islands of steam and water droplets on the glass distort the illusion of the face or figure as the [...]
Extraordinary LED Light Paintings by /*synack*/
February 15, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Part urban explorer and part photographer, the artist named “/*synack*/” is among the elite when it comes to painting with light. Part of the Melbourne City Drain Painters (MCDP), /*synack*/’s photographs have an eerie and silent sense to them only possible through urban exploration. Part of the group’s covenant is to have the “utmost respect for the locations that we visit to explore and photograph.” Light painters pride themselves on achieving their effects without manipulation in Photoshop. [imagebrowser id=1]
Artist Conjures Paintings Out of Floppy Disks
February 10, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Art Reviews, Featured

Artists frequently turn to technology for inspiration or commentary, utilizing components such as chips, ink cartridges and disk drives to make their art. Now, London artist Nick Gentry has turned forgotten floppy disk drives into art by using them as a canvas for mixed media paintings. “The whole world was totally reliant on these physical media formats,” he says. “Now suddenly we are at a time where they are obsolete, replaced by countless intangible data files. Will humans be compatible [...]