About: Christopher Stone
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Website: http://www.sculptormine.com Profile: Britsh sculptor living on Ibiza for 18 years, working in all mediums, but mainly stone and marble carving in the direct style. At his studio on Ibiza, he prepares for exhibitions and select commissions. Christopher writes on art for, amongst others, www.sculptsite.com www.allartnews.com marbellamarbella.es, and poetry etc at www.writerscafe.com, wwwsearchwarp.com, Christopher Stone was born 1955 in London England. He received his City and Guilds certificate indenture papers in 1976 and went on to study with Artist designer Ralph Hampton in Dorset England, and at the De Siedner gallery London, Christopher was engaged at the 1992 Worlds Trade fair in Seville in 1992, On his arrival in Ibiza he collaborated with the prestigious Welsh sculptor Barry Flanagan. His work has been widely exhibited internationally in solo and group exhibitions, Recent exhibitions include “Sensorial Realities” at the Agora gallery New York, and “Stones, by Stone, at Lady Audreys gallery Connecticut, USA, Christopher Stone lives and works on Ibiza, Spain. |
Posts by Christopher Stone:

British artist Christopher Stone is about to present his first solo exhibition of 2012. The collection entitled ”Thinking people” is a series of ten paintings, all acrylic on canvas, and all 116x89cm Five paintings have been graciously lent by their owners especially for this exhibition, non of which are for sale. The remaining... [Read full article]

Press release 2011 is seeing the price upsurge of British sculptor Christopher Stone’s work. Best known for his stone and marble carvings Christopher has been around art for many years, seemingly always on the fringe of complete success in his field of art, however now seems to be his finest hour, his maturity in art, and his humor are reflected... [Read full article]

Christopher Stone is considered one of the worlds foremost stone carvers in the ”Direct Style” which was developed by the renowned Henri Gaudier Brzeska. Chris Stone, long established in the international world of arts with his tremendously talented touch for unique creations in stone, bronze, and other natural materials bringing... [Read full article]

Having been involved in the world of art and design for over 35 years I have seen most of everything if not all of it, I have had numerous solo shows, taken part in countless collective exhibitions, and attended many other artists shows across the globe, each and every one of these had some kind of catalogue, most had promotional posters, and all had some... [Read full article]

The Fiddler Fuengirola, Spain.- On Thursday the 3rd of February 2011, the Casa de la Cultura in Fuengirola held an exciting exhibition of the works a number of important and well respected artists, organized by Stephen Howes of Stephen Howes Fine Art.“ The inauguration of the exhibition was well attended by well over 150 persons, including... [Read full article]

Christopher Stone, Pico Christopher Stone is about to take part in two collective exhibitions in Southern Spain. The first will be held at “The Casa de Cultura” in Fuengirola, Malagá on 3rd February,through to the 23rd, with the inauguration on the 3rd at 20.30. entitled “Assured growth value, Invest in Art” The second will... [Read full article]

A horrendous disastrous financial meltdown/crisis has affected mos of the civilized world in many ways especially in finance at all levels. Those fortunate enough to remain solvent and wish to continue buying and selling stocks and bonds, etc. became very cautious and hesitant as the majority of companies/commodities listed on stock market exchanges... [Read full article]

“Adam and Eve”, Christopher Stone What do Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Rodin, Andy Warhol, Chuck Close, and Robert Rauschenberg all have in common ? except being great artist’s, they all suffer, or suffered from some form of Dyslexia. Barry Flanaganonce told me that he’d seen boys beaten in school for Dyslexia, he did however... [Read full article]

Christopher Stone has been a successful artist for a considerable time, his very early years were spent as an apprentice to a cabinet makerin London’s East end, “Working for this man was very informative, I learnt a great deal, however he was an ogre, a bad tempered old brute who learned his own trade in the army as a Royal Engineer, I... [Read full article]

Christopher Stone is a sculptor, who has practiced his art for almost thirty years, when he is bored, or lacking in inspiration to sculpt, he paints, an average of two or three paintings a year are produced. Christopher shy’s away from traditional canvas supports preferring to paint on board or most often on “found objects”, over... [Read full article]

According to fine art agent Stephen Howe’s the Costa del Sol’s art economy is booming, and he should know as he is the founder/owner of Stephen Howe’s fine art based in Malaga southern Spain, who continues to enjoy in excess of 150.000 hits on his art website, which presents work from his stable of very talented artists, of... [Read full article]

We had 4 days, just 4 days in which to include the wishes of 6 people, so what with eating, shopping, and doing the sights I eventually managed 2 out of 3 of my desires, I never managed “Gauguin” at the tate modern, but I shall. SOON What I did manage was, “Turning the world upside down” an exhibition in Kensington palace gardens... [Read full article]

I am pleased to announce that the Malagá based art agent Stephen Howes has accepted me as one of his represented artists, several pieces of my stone and marble carvings are now at his location. The pieces are an eclectic variety of themes and styles, some from this year, and others from 2007/8. Stephen Howes has dates for three exhibitions in... [Read full article]
Any one got a spare two grand
The following email was received by me, It come from a London based gallery, and I feel that it indicates the desperate times we as artists are going through, I would very much appreciate your comments on Vanity galleries. My comments are highlighted in RED All the best. Chris. Christopher Stone, Sculptor Mob. 0034-654-921.441 [email protected] www.sculptormine.com... [Read full article]

Walberton, United Kingdom.- Christopher Stone and Peter Morris will be taking part in their first show together, Late August at The Forge Gallery,Walberton, a date to put in your diaries. Peter Morris is an experienced artist, having been painting since the late 1940s. His subject matter is diverse: Greek Island cafe scenes with fishermen relaxing and... [Read full article]