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All Art News is looking for bloggers, art lovers and art professionals who want to write about art.
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We want to establish long and close relations with contributers and authors. Writing with us is an opportunity to gain popularity in art world as a journalist or art specialist.
If you want to join us, register at All Art News in our meta section at the sidebar. Then you will receive an email in your email address asking you to confirm the registration. Then login to All Art News at following the link at right sidebar.
Also, you can send us your own articles and we will publish them for you.
Don’t forget to see our small visual guide with some details about how to write at All Art News and how to insert your google adsense to earn revenue with your posts.
Remember that all posts are moderated and only quality ones are published. We reserve the right to block accounts violating our terms or using the site trying to spam.
If you have doubts about contributing at All Art News contact us using the following contact form. Understand that we receive lots of emails and can take us a some days to reply.