Photographer Rex Dupain Exhibits at Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann
March 21, 2010 by All Art News
Filed under Photography
PARIS.- Internationally recognised photographer Rex Dupain (b.1954) has been drawn to Bondi beach since he turned his focus to photography in the mid 1990s. Prior to that time Dupain was well regarded on the Sydney art scene as a painter and lecturer, therefore his approach to photography is informed by his experiences with oil paint and brush.
In this latest series, “The Colour of Bondi”, Rex Dupain has captured every aspect of the famous Bondi strip. Its surfers, bathers, skaters, backpackers, musclemen, sun worshippers, divers and divas co-exist on this iconic beach that seems to define the quintessential Australian lifestyle. The images reveal the beach throughout the seasons from the full glare of the summer sun to the atmospheric stormy skies coupled with the relentless movement of the sea.

Rex Dupain, "Girl with Red Ball". Sand series, 2006, série "The colour of Bondi". C-print, 63 x 63 cm, édition 30 ex
The photographs are characterised by intense, saturated colour, strong composition and close observation of the action on the beach. Dupain’s sensibility lies in the world of the people who inhabit Bondi with their disparate interests and diverse cultural backgrounds. The images of children, families and youths all take centre stage on the wide yellow sands and promenades that surround the beach.
Dupain is seemingly connected to his subjects for the briefest of moments yet his photographs often depict people at times of great concentration and focus – such as in The Frisbee where a young man is anticipating the point where the Frisbee will fall from the sky. The intuitiveness and naturalness of the imagery imbues the works with a real sense of the human condition.
The exhibition runs through April 17, 2010 at Galerie Lucie Weill & Seligmann
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