Top 101 Art Curators
Have you ever wondered which curators are the most highly regarded by artists? Seeking the answer to this question, we asked more than one hundred artists working internationally. More specifically, flashartonline asked that cadre of artists who are habitually included in Manifesta, the Venice Biennale, Documenta, the Whitney Biennial and so on — the same artists that typically show with the most high-profi le galleries. The survey was structured by country; flashartonline asked many artists from larger countries such as the U.S., the U.K. and Germany, but flashartonline was also attentive to emerging scenes in countries like India, Colombia, Romania, Korea and Sweden. Although the data was collected with great seriousness, we know that the findings of a poll such as this must be taken in a spirit of playfulness. In the end it is a survey — for good or bad — that we hope presents a picture of the most active and appreciated curators.

From top, left to right: 1) Hans Ulrich Obrist, The Goose Lake Trail (southern route), Iceland, 2005. Photo: Olafur Eliasson. Courtesy the artist. 2) Nancy Spector. Photo: Lina Bertucci. Courtesy The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York. 3) Lina Bertucci, Francesco Bonami (after Man Ray), 1989. B/w silver gelatin print, 28 x 36 cm. Courtesy the artist and Perry Rubenstein, New York. 4) Elizabeth Peyton, Massimiliano (Massimiliano Gioni), 2009. Oil on linen on board, 25 x 19 cm. Courtesy Sadie Coles HQ, London. © the artist. 5).Beatrix Ruf. Photo credit: Lukas Wassmann, 2010. 6) Klaus Biesenbach standing on Roman Ondák’s Mearuing the Universe (2007) at MoMA, New York, 2009. Photo: Ofer Wolberger / BRANSCH. 7) Jens Hoff mann. Photo: Valerio. Hou Hanru. Photo: Serkan Taycan. 9) Piotr Uklanski, Untitled (GingerAss), 2003. Color Photograph, 102 x 127 cm. Courtesy Polski Western. 10) Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev. Courtesy Sydney Biennial.
Did we succeed? Alessandro Manzoni would say “Let the reader pronounce the diffi cult verdict.” Enjoy!
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