We miss you Barry
Nearly a year has passed since the art world lost one of its greatest contributors, and I personally lost a friend and mentor.
Barry Flanagan left us in late August 2009, leaving behind a legacy of wonderful art that is renown internationally, work by Barry can be seen in many museums, and public sites the world over, cavorting, leaping, dancing, hares, hares playing drums, or sitting forlornly thinking, all results of this great artists imagination, and reminding us of his time on this earth.
I have read articles stating that Barry travelled around Europe in a Rolls, pulling an Airstream trailer, the Airstream I can vouch for, the Rolls Royce I doubt, I do know Barry had motor caravan, and planned to traipse around the continent, self sufficient, and incognito, but I best remember his Fiat Panda, white, old and rusting, parked here in Santa Eulalia out side one of his favorite local haunts, complete with a rather large vintage clinker built sail boat on the roof, tied on with what looked like old seat belts, Barry had developed an urge to row, so of course Barry rowed, with his own particular style.
This island, especially this town, is awash with Flanagan tales, mostly true, although many embroidered to fit the market, I do not have enough space here to tell of all the amazing bits and pieces of kindness worked by this man, for example, of how he engaged a young and very broke stone carver, to carve several abstract forms, a globe, a cube, a pyramid, in field granite, of how he generously paid this carvers time over many months, supplied all the tools, his own studio in which to work, and who, when the stones were finished gave them as a gift to the same worker, praising the quality of the work, and going on to encourage him to exhibit them at a local Art gallery, this achieved, Barry turned up on the Vernissage of the said exhibition, and went on to discreetly buy three of the carvings for his own private collection, in cash, and without any discount.
I have seen first hand how this great human being silently worked his magic, seen how so many people benefitted from his unique form of kindness.
I have also been on the wrong end of his sharp tongue when I had displeased him, and seen him stalk away in anger, only to have him return a while later with two cups of tea, and a smile, as if nothing had happened.
I have never heard Barry utter one negative word about anyone, ever, and I have seen Barry quietly leave the room should any one begin to disparage another.
Working with Barry Flanagan was, for me, without doubt, the most rewarding experience I have ever had, his legacy to me was the vast amount of knowledge which I gained during our time together, I learned about art, about artists, techniques, and methods, all from a master, but most of all I recall Barry Flanagan as being a completely decent, and humane person, who I know is missed by many people, here on Ibiza, and in Dublin, and I am sure wherever he left his mark.
The Royal Academy have some of Barry Flanagan’s monumental sculptures in the courtyard, during this years “Summer Exhibition”, which opened on June 14th.

Royal Academy employee poses for a photograph next to Barry Flanagan's sculpture "Large left handed drummer " in the courtyard of the Royal Academy, in central London. The sculptural installation is a feature of this year's Summer Exhibition, which opens on June 14. REUTERS/Paul Hackett

Royal Academy employee Lucy Knight poses for a photograph next to Barry Flanagan's sculpture "Large left handed drummer " in the courtyard of the Royal Academy, in central London. The sculptural installation is a feature of this year's Summer Exhibition, which opens on June 14. REUTERS/Paul Hackett
Christopher Stone,
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