Do you not agree that artists tend to be recalled because of the scandals? going back in time its Van Gogh’s ear that springs to mind, maybe Duchamp’s urinal, now its Damien Hirsts sharks, or Tracy Emins messy bed.
Its all about making a name, being somewhat eccentric, and a little scandal helps as well, but we must remember that all the above mentioned artists have produced a lot of real, good, stunning, and more traditional art apart from their signature works from which they gained fame, (and probably fortune,) a favorite of mine Señor Picasso caused his fair share of scandal, and look where it got him.
Art is, I agree a financial institution, these guys are in it for money, (aren’t we all?)
Like it or not,love it, or hate it, I feel its good for art, the more we read about artists and their capers, the more art comes to the surface for all of us.
I personally find a lot of this stuff hard to swallow, however, that goes for most of what is happening on this planet.
Thanks for the debate, this is healthy for art as well.
All the best.
Regardless, thanks for having the courage to question what may be just fleeting cleverness.